During the summer when there are wardens at the huts they can be contacted directly with the following phone numbers
Home phone: +354 833 5697 (Main number)
Mobile phone: (+354) 822 5192
TETRA: 641 0042 (use when the mobile phone cannot be reached)
Dreki near Askja
Home phone: +354 841 5696 (Main number)
Mobile phone: (+354) 822 5190
TETRA: 641 0063
Thorsteinsskali in Herdubreiðarlindir
Mobile phone: (+354) 822 5191
TETRA: 641 0041
Club office – ffa@ffa.is 462 2720
If needed keys can be accessed outside of regular opening hours through the offices cell phone: (+354) 822 5193
email: ffa@ffa.is or hilmar.a@simnet.is